DIY Costume Jewellery

 Jewellery Accessorizing

Jewellery is a great way to spice up everyday outfits and also serves as a great source of confidence.

Unfortunately there can be a few pebbles in the road to procure that perfect piece.

Or, if like me, you don't like spending a large amount of hard earned cash on jewellery just to loose it some way or the other.

Because of these "pebbles" I usually end up not buying anything and leave stores with empty bags and no accessories. It can be really frustrating if you do decide to buy jewellery and once you've fine combed every shop close by or sometimes even online, you don't see anything you like. 

Once again, I leave with empty bags and all hope is lost...



Make your own. It's a lot easier to buy everything you need from a local hobbies or afts and crafts shop.

Here are a few images showing the things you'll need:


there are a lot of different earring hooks out there.

These hooks have a great shape, you can of course, use the more traditional hooks, they might be easier to find.

Or Get the Exact same hooks here.


2 Different sizes should do.

You don't have to stick to any type or size to make this look good.

Get some Rings


3 Different sizes compliments the design in my opinion, although it looks great using the same size as well, or in different colors. 

I really like the pearly color :)

Get some Beads


You don't really need pliers but they do make life a lot easier.

Order a Pair

Let's get started:

 Step 1:

Open the rings of your choice and start adding the beads. 

It doesn't look like much... I know, but once we're done it'll be a great addition to your collection.



 Step 2: 

Continue adding beads to your hearts content,

I've used 2 different sizes, they remind me of little flowers.

Remember to close the rings once the beads are added.


Step 3:

Join the finished rings.

Once you have the desired look, combine the rings using a much smaller ring, of course if you  have trouble finding a much smaller ring, use the same sized ring it should look really nice as well.

Step 4:

Almost done! 

Join the beaded rings with the ear hooks, here I've used the much smaller ring.

Annnnnd you're done, Easy! 

My Thoughts

DIY crafting is really fun and a great way to expand your jewellery collection. There are so many cute and pretty items at crafting shops to use and you will most certainly have a difficult time finding your design elsewhere. Making your item unique!

If you'd like to make an exact pair to the one I've made but can't find the same beads or hoops, you can always purchase these earrings from me. Visit my website here.


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